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Is AI Being Used in Welding?

ai being used in welding

AI has already made headway in welding – and it’s only expected to continue its industry innovations. Smart technology aims to enhance overall efficiency across nearly every manufacturing process, prompting the enthusiasm and interest of many. When used in welding, AI technology is specifically intended to streamline various welding processes and techniques.

If you’re interested in robotic welding and also in mastering AI-powered welding technology, explore welding schools near you today!

Will AI Replace Welders?

In short, no. AI is not expected to replace welders. When used in welding, the intention of AI technology is to advance industry efficiency and to augment certain processes. Instead of replacing welders, AI welding technology can be used as an additional tool for welders on jobsites.

It is thought that welders who are familiar with new AI technologies and systems are expected to remain in higher demand throughout the coming years.

How is AI Being Used in Welding?

It is important to remember that there are many complex welding processes that require skilled human dexterity. Although automation can still deliver high-quality welds, human talent will still be needed to execute various techniques, and to oversee structural quality.

So, how can we expect AI to work alongside welders? Let’s take a look:

Robotic Automation 

Although welders will remain onsite, the welds completed by AI-driven robots will be delivered with accuracy and high precision. Welding parameter optimization is also being used – this uses AI algorithms to adjust different parameters such as voltage, current, and speed based on the materials used.

Quality Control

While welders will still be needed for inspections, AI can also contribute to quality control efforts to uphold set standards. When used for quality control purposes, AI systems analyze real-time data to detect defects or inconsistencies from the desired quality of your welds. These parameters promote the overall structural integrity of a joint.

Path Planning

Welding path planning assists in detecting the best paths to take based on the geometry and measurements of a workpiece. This feature is expected to save welders time, and also to ensure the most efficient use of metal and other resources during the welding process. Path planning can also make it easier for students to learn to weld on irregularly shaped pieces.


As collaborative robots, “cobots” are AI-powered robots that will likely work alongside welders in various shop environments. Cobots are intended to offer support to welders, streamlining diverse manufacturing processes. Designed to operate safely and to collaborate with welders, cobots are expected to increase overall efficiency.

These are some of the many ways AI is expected to impact the welding industry in coming years. While AI technologies are becoming more prevalent in welding, welders will still be necessary to operate these tools.

A Time Honored Trade Heads Toward the Future

The welding industry has continued to evolve – progressing from the use of open flames in the early 1900s, to automatic welding processes, and now to AI-powered welding systems. AI has expanded a welder’s toolkit, allowing them to focus on their craft with greater efficiency and precision.

If you are interested in welding technology, find a welding school near you!

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